Breakfast Spread

New Year, new blog, same distractions! I bought this jar of "breakfast spread" a little while ago because it piqued my interest, but then I left it in the cabinet until just before Christmas. Mmm, intriguing. It's a very dark red, but the top ingredient is "pepper paste," followed by tomasto paste, then !!! walnuts and hazelnuts! Voila, Turkish umami. At some point in tasting this, I realized it reminds me of shakshuka, which is a good thing. I bought this at the Assi Plaza International Store in North Wales. Super fun place for a wandering grocery trip.
For breakfast this morning, I fried a frozen hashbrown, laid it aside and scrambled an egg, then melted a slice of provolone cheese on top. I smooshed some breakfast spread on the hash brown, then topped with the egg and cheese. I have tried this just spread on toast, but I like it warmed up a bit.
